Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Fixing MLB

found at

So apparently the MLB is trying to fix it's competitive imbalance with a flexible division alignment.  Under this situation a team like the Indians, who are rebuilding, could switch to the AL East to reap the monetary benefits of playing the Yankees and Red Sox and not worry about winning.  The Rays would then take the place of the Indians in the AL Central so they have a better chance of making the postseason.  The one stipulation is that teams can't join a division 2 time zones away.  So essentially east coast teams can't join the west coast divisions and vice-versa.

This won't work.  The only teams that bring in significantly more gate receipts in away ballparks consistently are the Yankees and Red Sox.  So do they get the luxury of playing with 3 lucky rebuilding teams each year?  Also, won't admitting the team won't compete hurt season ticket sales?  There has to be a better solution.  Yeah you could just do max and min cap like football.  But that's boring.  Let's get creative.

Let's take a cue from European soccer.  First order of business: do away with the farm system.  With the exception of the Braves, all minor league teams are their own business entities that contract with the MLB teams to be the farm team.  There's help with the contracts (since the MLB team actually owns them) and other give and takes.  That will be no more.  Let them go; let them pay their own way.  Now there will be 2 sub-divisions in each minor league division reflecting the NL/ AL split.  From that point on 2 teams from each subdivision go up, 2 teams go down.  For example let's say the Nats and the Padres were the worst two teams in the NL last year based on record.  Well they are now AAA teams.  To take their place the final 2 teams in the International League championship game with the winner choosing which division they could go to. 

Now I don't know monetarily if this would work.  But simply from a fan's stand point how do you not love this idea?  The relegation battle keeps teams fighting every week in the EPL it would certainly give MLB teams incentive to stay competitive to a certain degree.  Some would say what if the MLB teams can't get back there?  Well then isn't it better for the sport if a team that wants to compete is in their place?  If the Nationals want to keep spending significantly less and not win why should they get to stay?  Look I would be willing to bet if the Astros needed to beat the Diamondbacks on the last day of the season to stay in the MLB that stadium would be packed and rocking.  What bad can come of that?

Keeps them excited why not us? courtesy

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